Unlock Your Couple Power: Transform Your Relationship with Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science.

Discover the secrets to a thriving partnership that grows stronger with each passing year



Couple Power Coaching

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Deepen your connection and trust.

TRUST and CONNECTION are the bedrock of a thriving couple. Learn how to be TRULY VULNERABLE with each other.
It's amazing how many couples aren't completely vulnerable with each other...well, not really, because it's HARD. But as with all the hard stuff, it is worth it.
We will teach you the easy process that turns vulnerability into a relational SUPERPOWER!
Vulnerability creates connection, and true connection is where it's at!


Resolve conflicts with ease and grace

Learning to resolve conflict so that it actually creates CONNECTION rather than ANGER, FRUSTRATION & ISOLATION is a game changer.
Cultivate deep listening and learn to see not only conflict, but each and every difficulty as an exciting opportunity for growth. Yes, we said EXCITING!
We teach you how to have the difficult conversations, because, the hardest convos to have are the most important. And hold the greatest potential for growth and transformation.
You know it!


Reignite passion and intimacy

SEXUAL INTIMACY and connection is the area of relationship that couples experience the most DISSATISFACTION with. And dissatisfaction fosters DISCONNECTION, and we don't want that!
And, incredible, heart opening, REALITY BENDING SEX is possible for EVERY COUPLE. Truly, it is, we sexy guarantee it!
Delicious gourmet sex also a largely untapped portal, not only to TRUE CONNECTION and PERSONAL GROWTH but even to SUCCESS outside the bedroom!
I know, sounds crazy, but it's true. When you are FULLY JUICED UP inside the bedroom, it flows like SECRET SEXY SAUCE out into every area of your life, like magic. Family, relationships, work, you name it, it ALL GETS BETTER when you are having BETTER sex.
You’re just a few clicks away from a happier, more connected, sexier relationship. Join Couple Power today and unlock your couple's unique SUPERPOWERS!
We Want That!

Meet your kaiako

Kia ora, we are Lana & Matiu and together we created Couple Power Coaching. 


” What makes Couple Power Coaching unique is our WHOLE HUMAN approach. Our relationships, indeed our whole lives are a reflection of the health and vitality of our whole selves. Of our thought, emotions, beliefs and actions.
In the context of Couple Power Coaching that means we work with practices that address the mental, physical, emotional and sexual aspects of relationship.
We believe that our couple relationships hold the biggest opportunity for personal growth. I mean, where does all the big stuff come up? Usually, in our family and our couple dynamics.
Passionate teachers and seekers, we have gathered a kete (basket) of SIMPLE and POWERFULLY EFFECTIVE tools to up-level every area of your relationship and activate your COUPLE POWER!



My name is Laquita Kreutz, I am Matiu Te Huki's wahine, his darling.

I write this testimonial with great gratitude and feel honoured to be able to share that Matiu Te Huki is truly the man that practises what he teaches.

I call him my King, because he truly treats me like his Queen every day. He is the most loving, kind, romantic man I've ever met.

He uses the tools he teaches to keep our relationship healthy, fun, loving, strong and super sexy. He's a true Masculine Warrior. He honours me as his woman, supporting me to be the strong loving wahine that I am. And I support his mahi (work), I have so much respect for who he is and what he brings to this world and the people.

I also want to honour Lana for the amazing mahi that she does with Matiu to help men, and now couples become the best version of themselves. She is an amazing wahine toa(woman of strength) and I'm grateful to have a sister as wonderful as she is.

I recommend Couple Power to all couples who long to be in the best relationships of their lives.

- Laquita Kreutz


Hi my name is Bevan, and I am Lana's man 💞 Together, this amazing Wahine and I have created the most incredible relationship.

She has shown me the path to having the most successful relationship in my life.  By being completely authentic, vulnerable, honest, loving, and communicative, we have built the most divine connection possible.

Lana is caring, loving, funny, beautiful, curious, sexy and resilient. Our intimacy and romantic connection is off the charts!

I'm very proud of her and business partner Matiu Te Huki for creating "Tane Ha" and "COUPLE POWER".

You couldn't find a better duo to lead you, they are  dedicated to the best mentoring and relationship advice possible. I believe any couple will receive extremely positive benefits from Couple Power Coaching.

I'm wishing an abundance of LOVE for all couples and humans out there and the deepening of the meaningful connections we all deserve 🙏

Aroha X


-Bevan Sloan


We believe in radical authenticity. That's why most of the photos on this website are of us.

This is the first Couple Power Coaching Course ever! So the only testimonials that count right now are from Bevan & Laquita. How kind and brave they both are, sharing with the world like that. Thank you our loves.

We are all whole humans, and we all bring our whole human experience to our couple relationships, that's the beauty and the transformational power of them. If you learn to harness it.

We are not modelling perfection, we are teaching & modelling the suite of tools we have learnt over our nearly 100 years of combined life experience. Tools that enable us to stay self aware and self responsible. To minimise hurts and speed repair. To use the joyous and safe container of our relationships to grow individually and together as a couple. So that we can then contribute the best we possibly can, to our whanau (family) our community and to the world.

To your Power and Pleasure transforming your World!

-Lana & Matiu

Module 1

Te Pūtake - Strong Foundations

Wherever you go, there you are.
-Ram Dass.

Connection, Communication & Commitment, it all starts with us.

In this module we look at the single most powerful determining factor in our lives, us! When we know where are, we can choose where we want to go. Looks simple when you read it, but most people find this the most powerful transformational lesson of all. 

  • Lesson 1 Self Enquiry. What are the stories we tell ourselves about relationships, and should we believe them?
  • Lesson 2 Self pleasure, a whole new approach
  • Lesson 3 Connection Practices
  • Lesson 4

Module 2

Relationship Health Check

Our Whole Human Approach says healthy humans have healthy relationships. In this module we demystify how to truly be 'healthy'

  • Lesson 1 Pou Oranga - The 7 Pillars of Vibrant Health
  • Lesson 2 Morning Practice
  • Lesson 3 Using Affirmations to Reprogram
  • Lesson 4 Freedom From Emotional Turmoil & Difficulty

Module 3 

Wahine Pai : Tane Pai  Stronger Together

Accessing our own personal power is essential to unlocking our couple power. No more playing the blame game, it's time to bring your A game! Learning to balance the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves and the relationship, is a game changer!

  • Lesson 1 Haka to activate personal power
  • Lesson 2 Good Woman/Good Man What does that mean to us?
  • Lesson 3  Masculine Imprints Feminine Imprints
  • Lesson 4 Key Communication Practice

Module 4

Sexual Healing 

Mismatched desires, when one partner wants sex more than the other is a very common challenge for couples. Around one in four women has experienced sexual trauma, and almost as many men. Societal and cultural programs run deep too. All of these elements need to be looked at, forgiven and gently loved back to health. A couple is the perfect container to do that in.

  • Lesson 1 Great Sexpectations examining our expectations around sex
  • Lesson 2 Consent & Boundaries. An unexpected door to deeper connection and discovery
  • Lesson 3 Desires. Exploring them, speaking them and acting on them.
  • Lesson 4 The dynamics of giving, receiving and taking


Module 5

Turn Each Other On & On & ON

Woo hoo! Lets have some serious celebratory fun after all that amazing deep work! It's time to unbottle the secret sexy sauce and pour it all over your whole life!

  • Lesson 1 Turn Ons, let's see what we can learn about each other and ourselves
  • Lesson 2 Love Languages
  • Lesson 3 The Road to Radical Sex is paved with Radical Honesty and Radical Connection
  • Lesson 4 All Day Foreplay
  • Lesson 5 Orgasmic Reactions. Some physiology and anatomy and the differences and similarities between male and female arousal 

Got Questions?

We Got Answers :-)

Couple Power Coaching Course


That's Rediculous Value!

  • 5 Live Interactive Coaching Calls
  • 5 Weeks 
  • 26 Video Lessons
  • Private Community of Growth-minded Couples
  • Message & Email Support
  • Downloadable PDF Workbook

If your relationship isn’t feeding you, it’s draining you, let's turn that around!

Let us share the tools we have spent a lifetime learning and implementing.

Let us help you remember why you chose each other.

Let us help you to release the conscious and unconscious patterns holding you back from the relationship of your dreams.

Let us help you, help each other to discover your COUPLE POWER!

Join Our Email Community

Inspiration Information to Create a Great Relationship